Sustainability at
KMU LOFT Cleanwater
KMU LOFT Cleanwater is a leading company in environmental and process technology. KMU LOFT Cleanwater's solutions help to save water and make used process water mostly available again.
Sustainability embedded in corporate strategy
KMU LOFT Cleanwater has its own strategy for implementing sustainability in its corporate strategy.
Sustainability Report
The EU plans to require medium and large companies to produce a sustainability report from the 2023 financial year. This is provided for in the draft Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). The sustainability report is to become part of the management report in the annual financial statements. In the case of companies subject to mandatory auditing, it must then also be audited by the auditor.
KMU LOFT Cleanwater is gearing up for ESG reporting and sustainability reporting in accordance with the CSRD. We will adapt our already ongoing ESG reporting to the EU directive. We will provide our customers with the information they need for their own reporting in a timely manner.
ESG for the implementation of the sustainable corporate strategy
ESG is the framework within which companies organize and implement their sustainability strategy. Environmental-Social-Governace, these are the three headings for the main thrusts of sustainability at companies - and also at KMU LOFT Cleanwater.
KMU LOFT Cleanwater is certified according to ISO 9000 in the area of quality management and ISO 14000 in environmental management.